IAM Summer Brown Bag Series: HarvardKey (July 8)


Wednesday, July 8, 2015, 12:00pm to 1:00pm


8 Story Street, First Floor Conference Room

July 8: Introducing HarvardKey

Rolling out in the fall of 2015 to Alumni, FAS, and Central Administration (CADM), HarvardKey is the new, unified login credential that provides users with access across Harvard resources. In addition to providing a single login name that grants access to a wealth of University applications and services, HarvardKey also boosts user security by complying with Harvard's new password policy and offering users optional two-step verification. This Lunch & Learn brown-bag info session will demonstrate HarvardKey's streamlined, simple, and mobile-friendly user experience as we walk through processes for claiming a new HarvardKey and managing your account. We'll also go over the rollout timeline for HarvardKey and provide answers to your questions.

Presenters: Gretchen Grozier and Tim Gleason

Register Now!

Please note: On July 28, we will also be holding a technical meeting for application owners currently registered with the PIN system to discuss provide testing and integration information. The brown bag session is more general material, and all are welcome to attend.

This Lunch & Learn is one of a Summer 2015 Brown Bag Series offering info to all interested Harvard Community members on key IAM topics like HarvardKey, two-step verification, user provisioning, Person of Interest roles for people administrators, and more. Learn more and see the full list of Lunch & Learn events here.

Registration Closed