IAM Summer Brown Bag Series: Two-Step Verification (July 29)


Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 12:00pm to 1:00pm


8 Story Street, First Floor Conference Room

July 29: Two-Step Verification

During the rollout of the new HarvardKey unified login credential this fall, users will have the option of enabling two-step verification for their accounts — a way to boost security during the login process by requiring that the user verifies his or her identity using more than one method. For HarvardKey users, enabling and using two-step verification is simple: Just enable the option in your account and install the Duo app on your smartphone. Then, whenever you log in to a HarvardKey-protected application or service, simply respond to the convenient push notification on your phone to confirm your identity and proceed with login.

Harvard's Fall 2015 Information Security Awareness Campaign highlights that using two-step verification is a small action that makes a big difference. In this Lunch & Learn brown-bag info session, we'll demonstrate how to sign up for two-step verification using your HarvardKey, how to install and set up the Duo smartphone app, and how the two-step verification process looks in action.

Presenters: Gretchen Grozier and Tim Gleason

Register Now!

This Lunch & Learn is one of a Summer 2015 Brown Bag Series offering info to all interested Harvard Community members on key IAM topics like HarvardKey, two-step verification, user provisioning, Person of Interest roles for people administrators, and more. Learn more and see the full list of Lunch & Learn events here.

Registration Closed