AI Sandbox

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The University has released initial guidelines for the use and procurement of generative AI tools.

Home / Tools & Services / AI Sandbox

The AI Sandbox provides a “walled-off,” secure environment in which to experiment with generative AI, mitigating many security and privacy risks and ensuring the data entered will not be used to train any public AI tools. It offers a single interface that enables access to seven different Large Language Models (LLM): Azure OpenAI GPT-3.5, GPT-3.5 16k, GPT-4, and GPT-4 32k; Anthropic Claude 2 and Instant; and Google PaLM 2 Bison. 

The AI Sandbox is currently available as a limited pilot, with access coordinated by the schools.


Data classification level

Approved for Medium Risk Confidential (L3) data

Available to

Pilot participants only. The AI Sandbox is currently available as a limited pilot, with access coordinated by the schools. Request access.