Comparison of Generative AI Tools at Harvard


Generative AI Tool Comparison

HomeGenerative Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Generative AI Tool Comparison

The below guide shows a comparison of Generative AI tools, both Harvard-offered tools and publicly-available tools, including what level of confidential data they are approved for use with. As always, if you’re considering using Generative AI tools, you must follow the University's initial guidelines for use


Tool Overview Availability Data Classification Level
Text-Based Tools
These tools are designed to understand and generate human-like responses to text-based, natural language prompts. They can generate text and code, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in a conversational way.
Harvard AI Sandbox Experiment with multiple LLMs in secure environment. Data entered into the Sandbox is not used to train LLMs. Access coordinated by School and Units; contact HUIT for details. Level 3 data and below.
Google Gemini (formerly Bard) Text-based AI chatbot. Publicly-available. Level 1 data (public) only.
Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing Chat) Text-based AI chatbot; also capable of generating images. Publicly-available. Level 1 data (public) only.
OpenAI ChatGPT Enterprise Text-based AI chatbot; also capable of generating images. Limited access coordinated by Schools and Units; contact your local IT department for details. Level 3 data and below.
AI Assistants
These tools are AI-enabled assistants and features for productivity and collaboration tools.
Copilot for Microsoft 365 AI add-on for Microsoft products. Limited early access program only. Level 3 data and below.
Google Duet AI AI add-on for Google Apps (in testing). Publicly-available. Not available via Harvard. Level 1 data (public) only.
Image-Based Tools
These tools enable you to generate images and text effects by simply typing key words or a description using natural language prompts.
Adobe Firefly Generate images and text effects by simply typing key words or a description. Trained on stock images, openly licensed and public domain content. Available to Harvard faculty, staff, students, and researchers as part of Harvard Adobe Creative Cloud license. Level 3 data and below.
Developer Tools
API access enables developers to integrate Large Language Models (LLMs) into their own applications, products, or services.
Azure OpenAI Developer access to Azure OpenAI and other cognitive services (e.g., Whisper, DALL-E). Available by request from HUIT. Level 3 data and below.
Google Vertex Developer access to Google's AI models. Available by request from HUIT. Level 3 data and below.
AWS Bedrock Developer access to third-party large language models (e.g., Anthropic, A21 Labs, Stable Diffusion) via API. Available by request from HUIT. Level 3 data and below.
AWS Sagemaker Managed AI/ML model access and training. Available by request from HUIT. Level 3 data and below.

What AI tools are you looking for?

AI is a rapidly evolving technology with many new tools emerging for different use cases. To help us better understand the needs of the Harvard community, let us know what types of tools you’re looking for, or types of use cases for which you’d like to explore the possibility of using AI tools.

Contact HUIT

Request a vendor risk assessment

If you are planning to use a private generative AI tool, the tool’s vendor must be assessed for risk by Harvard’s Information Security and Data Privacy office prior to use with any non-public data.

Request a vendor risk assessment