
HUIT Service Status


Service status & alerts

Canvas is the learning management system used for course websites at Harvard. Canvas includes a variety of customizable course creation and management tools, course and user analytics and statistics, and internal communication tools. As an open source platform, teaching staff can build and add tools to their course site to more specifically meet their particular pedagogical needs, and administration can build and add tools specific to Harvard systems.


Must have an active enrollment

Available to

Faculty in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.
Staff in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.
Students in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.
Researchers in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.