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Home / Tools & Services / Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a web-based survey software that allows you to easily create surveys with customizable templates, integrated graphics, and statistical tools; collect, store, and download data in a variety of formats; and produce reports. 

Data classification level

Approved for collection of up to Medium Risk Confidential (L3) data

Can be configured for collection of High Risk Confidential (L4) data by request only

Available to

Faculty in Central Administration, FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HDS, HKS, HLS, Radcliffe, and SPH.
Staff in Central Administration, FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HDS, HKS, HLS, Radcliffe, and SPH.
Students in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HDS, HKS, HLS, Radcliffe, and SPH.
Researchers in Central Administration, FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HDS, HKS, HLS, Radcliffe, and SPH.