Harvard Phone

HUIT Service Status


Service status & alerts

Harvard Phone service includes VoIP phone service, desk sets, and phones for conference rooms and public areas. An individual’s service integrates their phone, voicemail, and email, and users can access the Harvard Phone account portal to set up phone features and voicemail options. Contact your local office administrator to request a new phone, or changes to existing phone service.

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Faculty in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HBS, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.
Staff in Central Administration, FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HBS, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.
Researchers in FAS, Harvard College, DCE, GSAS, SEAS, GSD, GSE, HBS, HDS, HKS, HLS, HMS (Quad), HSDM (Quad), Radcliffe, and SPH.