
Project Delivery Forum - Creative Ideas & Tools Learned from the FAS Data Hub

February 22, 2024

Project Delivery Forum was held on February 22, 2024.

Celeste Scott and Kaitlyn Santa Lucia shared valuable ideas that you can try on your projects to be more effective. We discussed 1) Creative thinking on how to approach a project, 2) Tools that help teams overcome complex problems, and 3) Real stories of how they were applied to scale the FAS Data Hub program.

New storage limits from Microsoft and Google

February 16, 2024

Microsoft and Google have announced that they are phasing out free storage for university customers. To prepare, HUIT has partnered with Schools and units to assess the University’s overall storage needs and is rolling out new default storage limits for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace accounts with some exceptions by school.

  • Impacted Schools and units are contacting their affiliates directly to communicate processes to request additional storage or find alternative solutions. 
  • Google Workspace personal Drive storage...
Read more about New storage limits from Microsoft and Google